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Friday, October 8, 2010

Salt Tram Cabin

The cabin in some of the photos was originally the residence  of the tramkeeper. Here is an old photo that may have been a family that lived there at one time.

After the tram was shut down the cabin was deserted, abandoned to time, the elements and vandals. It was said to have been in decent shape up until the 1960's when high winds tore the roof off. (Dedecker "White Smith's Fabulous Salt Tram")

A group of volunteers working with the BLM put a tremendous amount of effort into restoring much of the cabin. A long distance shot from the south.

This is the rebuilt house's south porch where the "family" photo was taken

On the porch

The western porch area facing the Sierras, a great place for a snooze.

The view after sunset

North side and entrance

Old photo pointing out the existence of the original cabin near the still-covered tramway station


  1. ---so, who owns it? The volunteer group?

    It looks like a sound structure, and it's very out-of-place THERE.

  2. Been there for 98 years! Added in one of the old photos with arrows pointing out the cabin. Technically the BLM owns it.

    See this link for more: http://www.blm.gov/ca/st/en/info/newsbytes/2008/318-xtra_khalford_fieldwork.html

  3. Somebody must be refurbishing it. It doesn't LOOK 98 years old.

    I thought that there was one there back when the tram was in use and then more recently it was rebuilt. In any event, it's one of those curiosities you find so often in Death Valley. I have learned that Death Valley is a place of paradoxical "stuff" and in that it's an enchanting part of the world. People who don't go into the "Valley" to explore it really miss out on a lot. You have to get well beyond the tourist dirt roads and the pavement to see these things, but it's worth the effort.
