This is a journal of my adventures. The title is from a story by the Greek historian Herodotus. In 600 BC the Pharaoh Necho II sent a fleet of ships to discover if Africa was entirely surrounded by water.
It is probably the earliest recorded mention of a simple geographical phenomenon - that in the southern hemisphere the sun lies to the north. To me this phrase signifies the excitement and challenges of the adventures that I actively seek out.
The recent heavy rains brought up a bumper crop of brilliant orange poppies and other wildflowers to grace the local canyons. Come follow along as I take you on an easy hike down an old power line road and up into the green hills of Southern California.
It is time to head back but let me share one last photo of a real beauty who sometimes comes out on my adventures. She really liked the wildflowers too!
Thanks for hiking along and please share my blog with your friends!
It was high time to take the trailer back into the desert and enjoy the fresh air and endless vistas with good friends!
Getting off pavement was more interesting this time due to the mud from recent rain storms but it was great to have minimal dust kicked up as it seeps into all of the gear. Puffy clouds abound in the sky but no hint of the upcoming changes to the weather.
Pretty soon I was able to set up in an area with great scenery and desert vistas. Our elevation was about 3400'. Note how green the area is appearing due to the nourishing rains.I had two awnings opened up in case of more rain, all solar
panels deployed and the kitchen ready for creating the daily meals.
HF radio antenna and 30' tall mast deployed? Check!
We spotted some mine excavation tailings on the distant slopes so it was time to go on a hike!
One of the large inclined shafts showed signs of recent collapse.
The other shaft showed itself to be very deep
This image cannot capture the true depth of this inclined shaft.
The views from the hillside location of the mine shafts included our campsite below with the dramatic rocky mountainside behind it.
Above the area we were at was the even higher rocky slopes of the peak.
It soon became time to head back to camp and we enjoyed the glowingcolors of the sunset as we hiked across the rocky terrain.
The next morning we awoke to a nice dusting of SNOW!
After cleaning the snow off, drying gear out and repacking it was time to head home.
Thanks for enjoying the spring conditions in the desert with me! I hope that you'll follow along on the next adventure here at Sun To The North!